रोना – Cry… रूलाना… ???
हंसना – Laugh… हंसाना…???
बैठना – Sit… बिठाना…???
समझना – Understand… समझाना…???
लिखना – Write… लिखवाना…???

Let’s take some examples…

वह सबको हंसाता है।
मै मेहमानों को यहां बिठाता हूं।
मेरी मां मुझे रोज समझाती है।
शिक्षक छात्रों को निबंध लिखवा रहें हैं।

These are known as Causative sentences.
Many people make mistake while speaking these sentences. you can also try to translate these sentences into English.


रोना – Cry… रूलाना – MAKE Cry
हंसना – Laugh… हंसाना – Make Laugh
बैठना – Sit… बिठाना – MAKE Sit
समझना – Understand… समझाना – MAKE Understand
लिखना – Write… लिखवाना – MAKE Write

Now.. The Translation of these Sentences..

He makes everyone laugh.
I make my guests sit here.
My mother makes me understand daily.
Teacher is making students write essay

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